Interning in the marketing department at Aurora Energy, doing social media, graphics and marketing outreach

Hi I am Tayla Mann.  I am a rising Junior at Towson University, majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Public Health.  For the past couple months I was working here at Aurora Energy as their Marketing intern.  Holding this position has helped me learn a lot about social media marketing and how important it is to reach our customers and connect with them to build a relationship.

I was graciously welcomed onto the team with great, ambitious leaders and taken under the wing of my mentor and boss, Meagan Braganca.  Meagan taught me about Adobe Spark, how to analyze social media analytics, and how ads were posted on social media.  We went over designing posts for all our social media platforms, emails to our future potential customers that would be great candidates for solar, and design and upkeep for Aurora Energy website.  As a marketing major I really wanted to get my hands on helping market solar to potential clients, especially since this does not only benefit our customer but it is better for the environment.  More and more people, businesses and companies are environmentally conscience and are trying to use more renewable resources.  For those who do not know about solar, the best candidates are those with large rooftops with little to no obstructions.  Looking at mapping tools, I could see that there are still many large rooftops without solar in our region!  Solar is a great investment for all parties involved and the planet.  Within a couple years the business or property owner will see their return on investment and then invest in solar with their other properties or recommend to other fellow business owners.  

I enjoyed making social media posts and seeing the public interact with the posts and tweets.  I also had a wonderful opportunity to attend a solar ground-breaking event in Howard County.  At the event the speakers made an emphasis on solar, how it will be used in the county to power buildings and will be used for more infrastructure.  The Aurora Energy team also explained solar to me and explained things like inverters.  Additionally, when I was curious about their marketing in-person, Cord and Bob took me onsite to potential customers and showed me how they interacted with managers and owners.  

Overall I was fascinated by this internship and very appreciative of having this opportunity to learn and grow.  My favorite days were going into the office and going onsite to buildings and properties.  My first day, I was very impressed with Aurora Energy because they had set up solar on this beautiful apartment building in the D.C. area; on that day Meagan and I were interviewing the building owner for a video to post.  With the help of Aurora Energy, day by day, companies can make the switch to solar and start saving and protecting the planet.  

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