For Solar Developers

Safety, Accuracy, Precision, Know-how.
For every project.

After 29 years in the solar business, we know how to navigate incentives and avoid installation issues.  Our success is driven by our philosophy that we’re only as good as our last installation.

Key benefits:

Knowledge of local permitting requirements & state level incentives

Experience building rooftop and ground-mounted projects throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia and knowledge of how to handle the ground mount construction challenges

A spotless safety record with no OSHA 300 Log violations

Local Expertise

Aurora Energy has been constructing solar in the DC, MD and VA since 1994. During that time we have come across almost any type of issue that can delay or derail any type of solar project. Through experience-learning and process anticipation, Aurora has the capability to navigate through issues that pop up regardless of the project phase. We ensure that projects complete on time and on budget.

Accurate Estimates

At Aurora Energy we pride ourselves on delivering the best designs to maximize kWh production from our projects. We know that commercial projects are never one size fits all, and we offer the best material selection and layout to ensure optimum system performance. We also know how to model accurate production for our region and different system types. This ensures that developer return is protected and stable.

Customer Experience

At Aurora Energy we understand that commercial projects require a lot of contact and coordination with developers, end-customers, and regulators. We make it easier for developers by handling all end-customer questions related to solar construction. We work collaboratively with the whole team to ensure projects move forward quickly from initial proposal to contract signature, construction and operation & maintenance.

You need an experienced installer with local expertise without the hassle.